NIE in Spain: What is? Why should I need it? How can I obtain it?

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NIE in Spain: What is? Why should I need it? How can I obtain it?

LIUZZI e LIUZZI International law & Tax Firm (Italian law, Spanish Law, European Union law, International Law)
Published by Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law firm in Spanish Law · Thursday 15 Nov 2018 ·  2:00
Tags: nieinspainhowtoobtainniespainurgentniespain
NIE IN SPAIN: what it is, how to obtain it, how long does it take to have it in your hands?

  • What it is the so called Spanish N.I.E.? -Número de Identidad de Extranjero?

It is the “Foreigners identification number”. It unique, persona and exclusive it is a serial number and it is compulsory if you

  • are a foreign citizen who has business, professional or social relationships and activities in Spain.  

  • How can I urgently obtain my N.I.E.?

Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law firm provides complete assistance to International clients to obtain their Spanish NIE urgently with no need to travel to Spain if they client does not want to but need the NIE for any reason (from a job, to signa contract, open a bank account, buy a new house in Spain etc.).
In a few days you will obtain your N.I.E. And we remind you all of the collaborators and professionals of the firm speak English fluently (but also Spanish of course and French, Italian and German).

  • For what do I need the so called N.I.E. In Spain?
You need a NIE for example to open a bank account, to buy real estate in Spain, to open gas, energy, mobile phone accounts and sign contracts, to buy a motorcar or a car etc.

  • How can I open a bank account in Spain even If I live abroad and cannot fly to Spain?
    Contact us, the lawyers and chartered accountants of Liuzzi e Liuzzi law firm will assist you in your language following you step by step from the opening of your bank account according to Spanish and International tax law and if you wish to buy Real estate in Spain also providing you legal advice and assistance in contract redaction or supervision etc. But also if you are going to create a new company in Spain etc.  

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Legal and tax advice and assistance
Avvocato - Abogado- Lawyer Italy/ Spain
for judicial/extrajudicial assistance for example in Rome, Milan, Napols, Florence, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Palma, Ibiza and throughout Italy and throughtout Spain and worldwide before any Italian (for instance Italian Consulates worldwide) & Spanish competent Authority

Legal and tax advice and assistance
Italian law, Spanish Law,
European Union Law,
International Law
Criminal law, Civil law, Administrative Law,  Tax Law
Judicial assistance before any Ordinary Italian Court (Tribunale ordinario)
& also before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (Suprema Corte di Cassazione),
T.A.R., Consiglio di Stato
and before any Spanish Court (Juzgado)
also the Spanish Tribunal Supremo and before the European Union Courts
Also: Italian citizenship recognition judicial cases & administrative ones

2024 All rights reserved Liuzzi e Liuzzi
Studio legale e tributario Internazionale- Bufete Internacional de abogados y economistas
(Italia- España)

Avvocato Cassazionista (Italia) e Abogada (Spagna)
Italian lawyer/attorney and Spanish lawyer/attorney
Titolare/ Founder

Dott.ssa Yanina Veronica Liuzzi
 Economista e Giurista/Jurista Consulente legale/ Economist and legal Counsel
Of Counsel


2024 All rights reserved Liuzzi e Liuzzi

Legal and tax advice and assistance
Italian law, Spanish Law,
European Union Law,
International Law
Criminal law, Civil law, Administrative Law,  Tax Law
Judicial assistance before any Ordinary Italian Court (Tribunale ordinario)
& also before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation (Suprema Corte di Cassazione),
T.A.R., Consiglio di Stato
and before any Spanish Court (Juzgado)
also the Spanish Tribunal Supremo and before the European Union Courts
Also: Italian citizenship recognition judicial cases & administrative ones

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