ITALY: Visa for investors
Published by Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law firm in Italian Law · Saturday 20 Jul 2019 · 2:00
Tags: ivestor, visa, italy, golden, visa, italy, italy, special, tax, regime, foreign, investors
Tags: ivestor, visa, italy, golden, visa, italy, italy, special, tax, regime, foreign, investors
International Law & Tax Firm
Italy- Spain
Visa for foreign investors in Italy
Italy is giving the possibility to foreign investors to obtain a VISA to become an Italian resident.
To this investors VISA for Italy can apply non- EU (non european citizens who want to invest in Italy according to what it is established by Italian Law) citizens.
The options available to obtain a VISA for investment in Italy (sometimes called by foreign people “golden Visa for Italy”) are:
- investment of at least EUR 2.000.000 (2 million euros) in Italian governement bonds to be mantained for at least 2 years
- investment of at least EUR 1.000.000 (1 million euros) in an Italian limited company operative for at least 2 years
- investment of at least EUR 500.000 in an Italian innovative startup registered in the special register
- investment of at least 1.000.00 (1 million euros) in a philantropic iniative in sectors such as culture, arts
Appliants for Investor Visa for Italy can also apply to the new special tax regime which is targeted exactly to new residents holding important sources of income abroad. To read our article related to the Special tax regime in Italy - lup sum 100.000 euros click here
For complete consulting and legal assistance in Italy (or in Spain as Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax firm also provides legal & tax assistance in the spanish territory) click here.
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